Net Metering | Registration Form

New Request Submission Guidelines

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your interest in net metering connection. To get started, please follow the steps below.

Net Metering Application Journey:

Pre- Qualification Steps:

Provisional ID

Once you reviewed all required documents, submit the application form to receive an auto generated Provisional ID which you can use for your case tracking.

  1. Under review: Your request is under consideration.

  2. Hold: A case can be put on hold due to incomplete information\ documentation.

  3. Rejected: A request may be rejected if the required information/document(s) are not provided within stipulated period.

  4. Accepted / Qualified: Once request is approved, a qualified Case ID will be SMSed to your registered mobile number.

Post- Qualification Steps:

  1. Survey Assignment: Once your Case ID is qualified, KE will arrange a survey and send the details to your registered mobile number and email.

  2. Hold after Survey: A case can be put on hold due to discrepancy in physical on-site survey.

  3. Rejected after Survey: Your request may be rejected if the required clearance is not provided within stipulated period.

  4. Estimate Issuance: After clearance of survey, estimate with 30 Days validity is generated, which can be paid into designated bank branches or online.

  5. Payment Confirmation: Once your payment is received and confirmed, an acknowledgement will be sent to your registered number/email address.

  6. Estimate Expired: Once the estimate is issued, it must be paid before the validity date expires. If the validity period passes, you will need to submit a new request.

  7. Material Issuance: After estimate payment material will be issued for programming.

  8. Net Metering Execution & Activation: After issuing and programming a bi-directional meter, it will be installed at your location.

  9. Tariff Conversion: Once meter Installed on site, your billing tariff will be changed to Distributed Generation and after that you will be availing net metering benefit on your billing.

  • All correspondence will be done on given contact numbers and email addresses.
  • Consumer Portal link and Login credentials will be shared on email & SMS for case tracking which will be used to track entire journey.
  • Document requirements are subject to change. K- Electric reserves the right to request additional information or documents from the applicant, if required in alignment with regulator.
  • Required Documents can be uploaded within 07 working days on consumer portal using the provided link and user credentials
  • Corrections/amendments on any property/legal document must be validated by concerned authorities/agencies
  • All Undertakings will be submitted on Rs.200/- non judicial stamp paper.
  • If your net metering application is rejected, the vendor shall submit a new application, as the previously assigned load will be released, and a new load shall have to be allocated, subject to availability.